Radon Testing

  • Hire a PADEP Licensed Testing Firm, like Premier.

  • Test yourself, as the homeowner.

A homeowner test is fine when performed correctly. But if you are using your test results within or for a Real Estate transaction, the test must be performed by a Licensed Professional.

Premier Radon is licensed by the Pennsylvania DEP as a Testing Firm and Mitigation Company.

Gutridge Inspections LLC; Premier Radon Services - DEP #2973

You’ve heard radon is a risk. Testing is the first step.

There are two ways to test for radon in your home.

  • The first Homeowner test option is to use a Home Radon Monitor. Available here with a Premier exclusive discount, or on the internet from sites like Amazon, these devices have proven to be accurate and trustworthy, though not applicable in a Real Estate Transaction.

  • The second Homeowner test option is to purchase a mail-in test from Home Depot, Lowes, or Amazon. This method uses scintillated carbon that is exposed in your home for a specific amount of time and then analyzed in a lab. Very accurate when performed as directed but takes time, one to 2 weeks for results and is a one time use. At around $15-20 this is the least expensive one time test option.